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Mary Giusti is a South San Francisco native and a “go to” person for information, details and stories when it comes to anything South City.  She has been a longtime active Officer, Board member and volunteer with the Historical Society of South San Francisco, is a weekly docent and tour guide at the historic Plymire Schwarz House, and volunteers for numerous events and fundraisers throughout the year. Mary has had a long career with the City of South San Francisco, starting in 1948, when she spoke with Mayor Leo Ferko while visiting her father at his Barber Shop on Grand Avenue after her first year at San Mateo Junior College; he immediately offered her a summer job in City Hall.  She stayed with the City from summer of 1948 until her retirement in 1993, filling a variety of positions, including the first secretary for the City Manager from 1949 to 1954 and many happy and productive years at the Water Quality Control Plant.  In addition to being a member in other nonprofit groups that support City programs and services, such as Friends of the Library, previous to her appointment to the Library Board she was a member of the Personnel Board.  Mary brings to the Library Board her strong knowledge and support of the City, as well many years as an avid reader and Library supporter.

Active Term
Library Board 17 Jan 2023 17 Jan 2026
Past Term
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